Paris, BN lat. 1564

(Codex Pithoeanus/Collectio canonica Pithoenana)

s. VIII3/4

136 fol. (fragment, first eight quaterns are missing)

CLA V, 529

North-East France
Carolingian Minuscule


fol. 1 
Council of Orange (441), ch. 8-19
ed. CCSL 148, pp. 79-83, Ms P

fol. 2
Council of Vaison (442), ch. 1-8
ed. CCSL 148, pp. 96-100, Ms P

fol. 3v
Second Council of Arles (442-506), ch. 1-25
ed. CCSL 148, pp. 114-119, Ms P

fol. 4v
Council of Agde (506), ch. 1-47
ed. CCSL 148, 192-212, Ms P

fol. 9v
Council of Clermont 535
ed. CCSL 148a, pp. 105-110, MsP

fol. 11
Isaak Christianus, Liber fidei de sancta trinitate et de
incarnatione dominii

ed. CCSL 9, pp. 335-343
PG 33, col. 1541-1546
CPL 189

fol. 14
Tituli ex canones excerpti (from Council of Orleans 533,
ch. 13-14, Clermont (535), ch. 5 and 14; Orleans (538), ch. 11(10) and 13 (12)

fol. 14v-15   
Regula Macharii
ed. SC 297, Ms P
CPL 1842
fol. 16-18r
Caesarius of Arles, Regula ad monachos
ed. SC 398, Ms P, without prologue CPL 1012  
fol. 18v
Letter of Lupus and Euphronius to Talasius of Angers
ed. CCSL 148, p. 140-141, Ms P

fol. 19v
Council of Vannes (461-491)
ed. CCSL 148, p. 150-156, Ms P

fol. 20v
Leo, Victor and Eustochius, Epistola ad clerium Turonensis provinciae
ed. CCSL 148, p. 136, Ms P

fol. 21
Letter of Troianus to Eumerius (ca 532)
PL 67, col. 995-996
CPL 1074
fol. 21
Pope Honorius, Constitutio 'inter publicas necessitates...'
ed. Haenel, Corpus legum, p. 238  

fol. 21v
Council of Rome (387): Professio fidei et anathematismi contra haereses 
ed. Mansi, vol. 33, pp. 486-488

fol. 22v
Augustine, Fides Romanorum, apocr.
PL 39, col. 2180-2183

fol. 23
Gennadius of Marseille, De ecclesiasticis dogmatibus, ch. 52
PL 58, col. 993-994
CPL 958
fol. 23v
Codex canonum ecclesiasticorum, ch. II, ch. LXIII and ch. 5 (extracts)
PL 56, co. 420-433; 724-731 and 452-453

fol. 26v
Council of Epao (517)
ed. CCSL 148a, pp. 22-37, Ms P

fol. 29v
Council of Arles (524)
ed. CCSL 148a, pp. 43-46, Ms P

fol. 30
Letter of Pope Zosimos, Jaffé-Loewenfeld, no. 339

fol. 31v
Letter of Pope Innocent I, Jaffé-Loewenfeld, no.286

fol. 34
Letter of Pope Innocent I, Jaffé-Loewenfeld, no.293

fol. 35v
Letter of Pope Innocent I, Jaffé-Loewenfeld, no.303

fol. 36
Letter of Pope Innocent I, Jaffé-Loewenfeld, no.292

fol. 39
Letter of Pope Coelestin I, Jaffé-Loewenfeld, no. 369

fol. 40v
Letter of Pope Coelestin I, Jaffé-Loewenfeld, no.371

fol. 41v-48
Pope Leo I, Collectio Corbeiensis
ed. Schwartz, Acta conc. Oecum., vol. II4, p. 2, Ms Pp

fol. 48v
Marcellinus and Faustinus, Libellus precum ad imperatores
ed. CSEL 35, pp. 5-44 (?)

fol. 55v
Council of Orleans (511)
ed. CCSL 148a, pp. 4-16, Ms P

fol. 58
Council of Orleans (538)
ed. CCSL 148a, pp. 114-127, Ms P

fol. 65v
Pope Leo. I, Collectio Corbeiensis
ed. Schwartz, Acta conc. Oecum., vol. II4, p. 2, Ms Pp
fol. 69 Letter of Pope Hilarius, Jaffé-Loewenfeld, no.562

fol 69v
Letter of Pope Symmachus, Jaffé-Loewenfeld, no.764

fol. 70
Letter of Pope Damasus, Jaffé-Loewenfeld, no.235

fol. 71
Augustine, Sermo 392, ch. 2
PL 29, col. 1710

fol. 80
First Council of Constantinople (448), ch. 7
ed. Mansi, vol. 4, pp. 730-754

fol. 83
Paulinus and Faustus of Riez, Letters 4-7
CSEL 21, pp. 181-200 (?)

fol. 83
Letter of Flavian of Constantinople
PL 54, col. 727-732

fol. 84-100v
Pope Leo I, Collecti Corbeiensis
ed. Schwartz, Acta conc. Oecum., vol. II4, p. 2, Ms Pp
fol. 100v
Breviarium fidei adversus arianos
PL 13, col. 653-672

fol. 111v
Council of Chacedon, rec. Dionysius Exiguus

fol. 114
Letter of Pope Siricius to Himerius of Tarragona,Jaffé-Loewenfeld, no. 255

fol. 118v
First Council of Rome, Canones symmachi, Libellus Iohannis Diaconi
ed. Mansi, vol. 8, pp. 233-238

fol. 122
Fourth Council of Rome, Constitution Symmachi
ed. Mansi, vol. 8, pp. 263-269

fol. 126
Thrid Council of Rome
ed. Mansi, vol. 8, pp. 254-258 and 247-253

fol. 132v
Letter of Pope Symmachus, Jaffé-Loewenfeld, no. 764

fol. 133v
Letter of Pope Pelagius II, Jaffé-Loewenfeld, no. 1048

fol. 134
Augustine, De haeresibius, ch. 1-70 (abbreviated)
PL 42, col. 25-44

  • De Vogüé, Adalbert, Sources Chrétiennes, vol. 297, pp. 348-352.
  • Lauer, Ph., Catalogue général des manuscrits latins (Bibliothèque Nationale), vol. 2 (Nos 1439-2696), Paris 1940, pp. 68-69, online on Gallica.
  • Maassen, Friedrich, Geschichte der Quellen und der Literatur des canonischen Rechts im Abendlande bis zum Ausgange des Mittelalters, vol. 1, Graz etc. 1870, 2nd ed. 1956, pp. 604-611, online on google books.