Memoriale qualiter in monasterio religiose ac studiose conversare vel Domino militare oportet idipsum cotidie repetendo
Incipit: In primis, nocturnis horis, cum ad opus divinum de lectulo...
- Morgand, Claudio, in: Corpus Consuetudinum Monasticarum, vol. 1, Siegburg: Franz Schmitt 1963, pp. 177-289 (text pp. 229-289).
- Patrologia
Latina 66, 937-942 (on
Group 1:
Incipit ordo in monasterio qualiter a fratribus religiose conuersari seu militari domino oportet (Ms W)
Incipit ordo in monasterio qualiter a fratribus religiose ac studiose conuersari uel domino militare oportet idipsum cotidie repetendo (MS KRW)
Incipit ordo monasticus secundum doctrinam sancti benedicti abbatis monachorum primus qualiter a fratribus religiose ac studiose conuersari et militari domino oportet idipsum cotidie repetendo.... (Ms. Z)
Rome, Biblioteca
Casanatense 54 (olim B IV 21) |
s. XI |
fol. 21v-24 |
Ms K |
images of the manuscript; description; from Nonantola |
Paris, BN lat. 2860 |
s. XIII |
fol. 15v-19v |
Ms P | catalogue; not yet digitized, ending in ch. 18 (sanctae pater omnipotens) |
Cambridge, University
Library Dd. 4.58 |
s. XIIIin |
fol. 103v-105v |
Ms R |
catalogue; not yet digitized; combined with works of Gregory the Great and Bede |
Vatican, Biblioteca
Apostolica Vaticana Reg. lat. 127 |
1361- 1367 |
fol. 117-120 |
Ms T | image; bibliography; text presented as
Informatio beati Benedicti quam posuit in fine
regule sue, ending in ch. 18 (santae pater
omnipotens. Explicit informacio sancti Benedicti
quam posuit in fine regule sue. |
Trier, Stadtbibliothek
1238/601 |
s. XV |
fol. 124-127 |
Ms t | catalogue; combined with various
monastic texts |
Trier, Stadtbibliothek 1259/586 | s. XV |
fol. 41-44 |
Ms c | catalogue; combined with various
monastic texts |
Paris, Bibliothèque de
l'Arsenal 968 |
s. XVI |
fol. 48-54 |
Ms U | catalogue;
combined with Regula Benedicti, ending in ch.
18 (Gratias tibi ago, domine, et cetera mutatis
mutandis). |
Avignon, Bibliothèque
municipale 712 |
s. XVI |
fol. 50-55 |
Ms W | catalogue;
combined with Regula Benedicti (excerpt) |
Paris, BN lat. 12885 |
1455 |
fol. 135v-139 |
Ms Z | image; catalogue;
combined with Regula Benedicti |
Vienna, Österreichische
Nationalbibliothek lat. 2655 |
s. XV |
fol. 103-109 |
Ms z | catalogue; Hill Manuscript Library; combined with Regula Benedicti |
Group 2: Memoriale qualiter in monasterio conuersare/conuersari debemus
Torino, Biblioteca
Nazionale G.V. 4 |
s. X |
fol. 197-200 |
Ms B |
catalogue; combined with Ps.-Paulus Diaconus/Hildemar, Expositio regulae, Collectio Capitularis, Paulus Diaconus, Letter to Charlemagne; no title, beginning missing, from Bobbio. |
London, British Library
Harley 5431 |
s. Xex |
fol. 114-126v |
Ms C
image; description; combined with Regula
Benedicti and Collectio Capitularis , |
Cambridge, Corpus
Christi College 57 |
s. XI |
fol. 33-37 |
Ms E | image,
from Abingdon, combined with Regula Benedicti
and Collectio capitularis |
Vatican, Biblioteca
Apostolica Vataicana, Barb lat. 646 |
s. XI |
fol. 91v-98v |
Ms F | bibliography; not digitized; no title |
London, British
Library, Cotton Tiberius A III |
s. XI |
fol. 164-168v |
Ms H | image; description; combined with Regularis concordia, Regula Benedicti, Collectio Capitularis; no title, beginning missing. Text starts at ch. I.10 (A kalendis octobris) |
London, British
Library, Cotton Titus A IV |
s. XImed |
111-117v |
Ms I | image and description; combined with Regula Benedicti and Collectio Capitularis |
Paris, BN lat. 15025 |
s. XIII |
fol. 113v-116 |
Ms Q | image; catalogue;
combined with the Regula Benedicti and the Regula
Augustini |
Cambridge, University
Library Ll. 1.14 |
s. XI |
fol. 100v-104v |
Ms S | catalogue; combined with Regula Benedicti and Collectio Capitularis; not yet digitized |
Group 3: Ordo qualiter agendum sit monachis in monasteriis constitutis et rub regula beati patris benedicti degentibus
Biblioteca dell'Abazia 175 |
s. X |
pp. 518-526 |
Ms D |
catalogue; combined with Ps.-Paulus Diaconus/Hildemar, Expositio Regulae, various monastic reform texts. Ends with oportuno somno, oportune quiescat |
Biblioteca dell'Abazia 179 |
s. XI |
pp. 246-258 |
Ms L |
catalogue; similar collection as in Ms 175, ends in ch 18 (qui me dignatus es) |
Montecassino, Biblioteca dell'Abazia 442 | s. XI |
pp. 388-399 |
Ms M |
similar collection as in Ms 175 |
Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. lat. 13501 | s. XIex |
fol. 36-37v |
Ms d |
image; bibliography; fragment, emds in
ch. 17 (dent confessiones suas alternatim et incipi) |
Group 4: Incipit ordo in monasterio qualiter a fratribus religiose ac studiose conuersari uel domino militare oportet idipsum cotidie repetendo
Biblioteca dell'Abazia
s. XVI |
pp. 345-362 |
Ms V |
combined with various
Avignon, Bibliothèque municipale 732 | 1645 |
fol. 57v-66v |
Ms X |
catalogue; handbook for novices; fragment |
Bibliothèque municipale 246 |
1647 |
fol. 51-55v |
Ms Y | catalogue, combined with various
monastic texts |
Zentralbibliothek Rh. 134 |
s. XV |
fol. 249v-251v |
Ms a | catalogue, incomplete, at the and of prayer book |
Group 5: Memoriale qualiter in monasterio religiose ac studiose conuersare uel domino militare oportet idipsum cotidie repetendo.
Domstiftsbibliothek I 136 (58) |
s. X |
26v-35 |
Ms A |
description; image;
combined with Collectio capitularis and
Theodomar Letter to Charlemagne |
Rouen, Bibliothèque
Municipale 1385 (U
s. XI |
fol. 20-24v |
Ms G |
images of the ms; catalogue;
combined with Collectio capitularis; beginning
missing |
Group 6: Traditio de ordine monachorum
Tours, Bibliothèque
Municipale 284 |
s. XI
fol. 74-77v |
Ms N |
catalogue; not yet digitized; text isolated |
Group 7 (addressing a female community): no title
Bibliothèque de l'École de la Médicine 85
s. XII |
fol. 98-102 |
Ms O |
not yet digitized; combined with Institutio
canonicorum and Institutio sanctimonialium,
text appears as part of the Institutio
sanctimonialium |
Manuscripts not used in Morgand's edition:
Admont, Bibliothek des
s. XII1/2 |
fol. 111v-119 |
image; description; ascribed to Abbot
Peter of Cluny, combined with monastic consuetudines. |
Brno, Státní Vědecká Knihovna NR 34 |
Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale 15111-15128 (479) | s. X | fol. 49-52 | catalogue;
combined with gloss on the Regula Benedicti |
Budapest, Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum lat.
329 |
s. XI-XII |
fol. 65-75 |
Melk, Stiftsbibliothek 1093 (olim 423) |
s. XV |
fol. 525-538 |
catalogue; combined with Regula
Benedicti |
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Clm 14678 | s. XVI | fol. 295-298 | image; catalogue; combined with Regula
Benedicti |
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Clm 14952 |
1452 |
fol. 332v-346 |
image; catalogue; combined with various
monastic texts |
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Clm 17459 | s. XIV/XV | fol. 96-97v | catalogue; combined with various
monastic texts |
- Bugyis, Katie Ann-Marie, ‘The Practice of Penance in
Communities of Benedictine Women Religious in Central
Medieval England’, in: Speculum 92:1 (2017), pp.
- De Bonis, Maria Caterina, ‘Grammatical Glosses in London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A. iii: A Systematic Model in the Study of Latin’, in: Rolf H. Bremmer and Kees Decker (eds.), Fruits of Learning. The Transfer of Encyclopaedic Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages, Leuven: Peeters 2016, pp. 321-350.
- Dunn, Marilyn, 'The Master and St Benedict: A Rejoinder', in: The English Historical Review 107:422 (1992), pp. 104-111.
- Gretsch, Mechtild, ‘Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 57: a witness of the early stages of Benedictine reform in England’, in: Anglo Saxon England 32 (2003), pp. 111-146.
- Kornexl, Lucia, ‘The Regularis Concordia and its Old
English gloss’, in: Anglo-Saxon England 24 (1995),
pp. 95-130
- Mattingly, Matthew, 'The Memoriale Qualiter: An Eighth Century Monastic Customary', in: American Benedictine Review 60:1 (2009), pp. 62-75.
- Morgand, Claudio, 'La discipline pénitentielle et l'Officium capituli d'après le Memoriale qualiter', in: Revue Bénédictine 72 (1962), pp. 22-60.
- Spurrell, Mark, 'The architectural interest of the
Regularis Concordia', in: Anglo-Saxon England 21
(1992), pp. 161-176.
- Symons, Thomas, ed./transl. Regularis
Concordia, London etc.: Thomas Nelson and Sons 1953,
pp. xlv-lii.