Memoriale qualiter in monasterio religiose ac studiose conversare vel Domino militare oportet idipsum cotidie repetendo

Incipit: In primis, nocturnis horis, cum ad opus divinum de lectulo...

Manuscripts (divided in groups according to Morgand's edition)

Group 1:

Incipit ordo in monasterio qualiter a fratribus religiose conuersari seu militari domino oportet (Ms W)

Incipit ordo in monasterio qualiter a fratribus religiose ac studiose conuersari uel domino militare oportet idipsum cotidie repetendo

Incipit ordo monasticus secundum doctrinam sancti benedicti abbatis monachorum primus qualiter a fratribus religiose ac studiose conuersari et militari domino oportet idipsum cotidie repetendo.... (Ms. Z)

Rome, Biblioteca Casanatense 54 (olim B IV 21)
s. XI
fol. 21v-24
Ms K   
images of the manuscript; description; from Nonantola
Paris, BN lat. 2860
fol. 15v-19v
Ms P catalogue; not yet digitized, ending in ch. 18 (sanctae pater omnipotens)
Cambridge, University Library Dd. 4.58
s. XIIIin
fol. 103v-105v
Ms R    
catalogue; not yet digitized; combined with works of Gregory the Great and Bede
Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana Reg. lat. 127
fol. 117-120
Ms T image; bibliography; text presented as Informatio beati Benedicti quam posuit in fine regule sue, ending in ch. 18 (santae pater omnipotens. Explicit informacio sancti Benedicti quam posuit in fine regule sue.
Trier, Stadtbibliothek 1238/601
s. XV
fol. 124-127
Ms t catalogue; combined with various monastic texts
Trier, Stadtbibliothek 1259/586 s. XV
fol. 41-44
Ms c catalogue; combined with various monastic texts
Paris, Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal 968
s. XVI
fol. 48-54
Ms U catalogue; combined with Regula Benedicti, ending in ch. 18 (Gratias tibi ago, domine, et cetera mutatis mutandis).
Avignon, Bibliothèque municipale 712
s. XVI
fol. 50-55
Ms W catalogue; combined with Regula Benedicti (excerpt)
Paris, BN lat. 12885
fol. 135v-139
Ms Z image; catalogue; combined with Regula Benedicti
Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek lat. 2655
s. XV
fol. 103-109
Ms z catalogue; Hill Manuscript Library; combined with Regula Benedicti

Group 2: Memoriale qualiter in monasterio conuersare/conuersari debemus

Torino, Biblioteca Nazionale G.V. 4
s. X
fol. 197-200
Ms B
catalogue; combined with Ps.-Paulus Diaconus/Hildemar, Expositio regulae, Collectio Capitularis, Paulus Diaconus, Letter to Charlemagne; no title, beginning missing, from Bobbio.
London, British Library Harley 5431
s. Xex
fol. 114-126v
Ms C         
image; description; combined with Regula Benedicti and Collectio Capitularis
Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 57
s. XI
fol. 33-37
Ms E image, catalogue, catalogue; from Abingdon, combined with Regula Benedicti and Collectio capitularis
Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vataicana, Barb lat. 646   
s. XI
fol. 91v-98v
Ms F bibliography; not digitized; no title
London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A III
s. XI
fol. 164-168v
Ms H image; description; combined with Regularis concordia, Regula Benedicti, Collectio Capitularis; no title, beginning missing. Text starts at ch. I.10 (A kalendis octobris) 
London, British Library, Cotton Titus A IV
s. XImed
fol. 111-117v    
Ms I image and description; combined with Regula Benedicti and Collectio Capitularis
Paris, BN lat. 15025
fol. 113v-116
Ms Q image; catalogue; combined with the Regula Benedicti and the Regula Augustini
Cambridge, University Library Ll. 1.14
s. XI
fol. 100v-104v
Ms S catalogue; combined with Regula Benedicti and Collectio Capitularis; not yet digitized   

Group 3: Ordo qualiter agendum sit monachis in monasteriis constitutis et rub regula beati patris benedicti degentibus

Montecassino, Biblioteca dell'Abazia 175
s. X
pp. 518-526
Ms D
catalogue; combined with Ps.-Paulus Diaconus/Hildemar, Expositio Regulae, various monastic reform texts. Ends with oportuno somno, oportune quiescat
Montecassino, Biblioteca dell'Abazia 179
s. XI
pp. 246-258
Ms L
catalogue; similar collection as in Ms 175, ends in ch  18 (qui me dignatus es)
Montecassino, Biblioteca dell'Abazia 442 s. XI
pp. 388-399
Ms M      
similar collection as in Ms 175
Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. lat. 13501    s. XIex
fol. 36-37v
Ms d
image; bibliography; fragment, emds in ch. 17 (dent confessiones suas alternatim et incipi)

Group 4: Incipit ordo in monasterio qualiter a fratribus religiose ac studiose conuersari uel domino militare oportet idipsum cotidie repetendo

Montecassino, Biblioteca dell'Abazia 418                         
s. XVI
pp. 345-362
Ms V     
combined with various ascetic texts                                              
Avignon, Bibliothèque municipale 732 1645
fol. 57v-66v
Ms X
catalogue; handbook for novices; fragment
Valenciennes, Bibliothèque municipale 246
fol. 51-55v
Ms Y catalogue, combined with various monastic texts
Zurich, Zentralbibliothek Rh. 134
s. XV
fol. 249v-251v
Ms a catalogue, incomplete, at the and of prayer book

Group 5: Memoriale qualiter in monasterio religiose ac studiose conuersare uel domino militare oportet idipsum cotidie repetendo.

Merseburg, Domstiftsbibliothek I 136 (58)
s. X
fol. 26v-35   
Ms A
description; image; combined with Collectio capitularis and Theodomar Letter to Charlemagne
Rouen, Bibliothèque Municipale 1385 (U 107)                  
s. XI
fol. 20-24v
Ms G
images of the ms; catalogue; combined with Collectio capitularis; beginning missing

Group 6: Traditio de ordine monachorum

Tours, Bibliothèque Municipale 284
s. XI   
fol. 74-77v
Ms N
catalogue; not yet digitized; text isolated 

Group 7 (addressing a female community): no title

Montpellier, Bibliothèque de l'École de la Médicine  85     
s. XII
fol. 98-102
Ms O
catalogue; not yet digitized; combined with Institutio canonicorum and Institutio sanctimonialium, text appears as part of the Institutio sanctimonialium 

Manuscripts not used in Morgand's edition:

Admont, Bibliothek des Benediktinerstifts 497               
s. XII1/2
fol. 111v-119
image; description; ascribed to Abbot Peter of Cluny, combined with monastic consuetudines.
Brno, Státní Vědecká Knihovna NR 34

Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale 15111-15128 (479) s. X fol. 49-52 catalogue; combined with gloss on the Regula Benedicti
Budapest, Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum lat. 329
fol. 65-75

Melk, Stiftsbibliothek 1093 (olim 423)
s. XV
fol. 525-538
catalogue; combined with Regula Benedicti
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Clm 14678 s. XVI fol. 295-298 image; catalogue; combined with Regula Benedicti
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Clm 14952
fol. 332v-346
image; catalogue; combined with various monastic texts
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Clm 17459 s. XIV/XV fol. 96-97v catalogue; combined with various monastic texts

  • Bugyis, Katie Ann-Marie, ‘The Practice of Penance in Communities of Benedictine Women Religious in Central Medieval England’, in: Speculum 92:1 (2017), pp. 36-84.
  • De Bonis, Maria Caterina, ‘Grammatical Glosses in London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A. iii: A Systematic Model in the Study of Latin’, in: Rolf H. Bremmer and Kees Decker (eds.), Fruits of Learning. The Transfer of Encyclopaedic Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages, Leuven: Peeters  2016, pp. 321-350.
  • Dunn, Marilyn, 'The Master and St Benedict: A Rejoinder', in: The English Historical Review 107:422 (1992), pp. 104-111.
  • Gretsch, Mechtild, ‘Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 57: a witness of the early stages of Benedictine reform in England’, in: Anglo Saxon England 32 (2003), pp. 111-146.
  • Kornexl, Lucia, ‘The Regularis Concordia and its Old English gloss’, in: Anglo-Saxon England 24 (1995), pp. 95-130 
  • Mattingly, Matthew, 'The Memoriale Qualiter: An Eighth Century Monastic Customary', in: American Benedictine Review 60:1 (2009), pp. 62-75.
  • Morgand, Claudio, 'La discipline pénitentielle et l'Officium capituli d'après le Memoriale qualiter', in: Revue Bénédictine 72 (1962), pp. 22-60.
  • Spurrell, Mark, 'The architectural interest of the Regularis Concordia', in: Anglo-Saxon England 21 (1992), pp. 161-176.
  • Symons, Thomas, ed./transl. Regularis Concordia, London etc.: Thomas Nelson and Sons 1953, pp. xlv-lii.