New titles on Early Medieval History and on the History of Monasticism, 2009-2011

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This is my post-Kalamazoo-ritual. I found the following titles by browsing though the publishers’ catalogues of the Kalamazoo book market. Added are a selection of recent titles from my bibliography on early medieval monasticism.

Albrecht Diem



Angenendt, Arnold, Die Gegenwart der Heiligen und Relquien, ed. by Hubertus Lutterbach, Münster: Aschendorff 2010.


Allen Smith, Katherine, War and the Making of Medieval Monastic Culture, Woodbridge: Boydell 2011.

Aris, Marc-Aeilko and Susana Bullido del Barrio (eds), Hrabanus Mauris in Fulda. Mit einer Hrabanus Maurus-Bibliographie (1979-2009), Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Josef Knecht 2010.

Athanassiadi, Polymnia, Vers la pensée unique: la montée de l’intolérance dans l’Antiquité tardive, Paris: Les belles lettres 2010.

Bailey, Lisa Kaaren, Christianity's Quiet Success: The Eusebius Gallicanus Sermon Collection and the Power of the Church in Late Antique Gaul, Notre Dame, IN:  University of Notre Dame Press 2010.

Baxter, Stephan, Catherine E. Kravov, Jannet L. Nelson and David Pelteret (eds), Early Medieval Studies in Memory of Patrick Wormald, Aldershot: Ashgate 2009.

Becher, Matthias and Stefanie Dick (eds), Völker, Reiche und Namen im frühem Mittelalter, München: Wilhem Fink 2010

Bitel, Lisa M., Landscape with two Saints: How Genofeva of Paris and Brigit of Kildare built Christianity in Barbarian Europe, Oxford: OUP 2009.

Boisseuil, D., P. Chastang, L. Feller and J. Morsel (eds), Ecritures de l'espace social. Mélanges d'histoire médiévale offerts à Monique Bourin par ses élèves et ses amis, Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne 2010.

Bolgia, Claudia, Rosamond McKitterick and John Osborne (eds), Rome Across Time and Space, Cambridge: CUP 2011.

Booker, Courtney M., Past Convictions: The Penance of Louis the Pious and the Decline of the Carolingians, Philadelphia: UPennP 2009.

Brakke, David, Evagrius of Pontus: Talking Back. A Monastic Handbook for Combating Demons, Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publications 2010.

Brown, George Hardin, A Companion to Bede,Woodbridge: Boydell 2009.

Brown, Wallen, Violence in Medieval Europe, Edinburgh: Pearson 2010.

Brubaker, Leslie and John Haldon (eds), Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era, c. 680-850, Cambridge: CUP 2011.

Burgwinkle William and Cary Howie, Sanctity and Pornography in Medieval Culture, New York: Plagrave 2011.

Bringh, Eltjo, Medieval Manuscript Production in the Latin West. Explorations with a Global Database, Leiden: Brill 2010.

Cain Andrew and Noel Lenski (eds), The Power of Religion in Late Antiquity, Burlington Vt: Ashgate 2009.

Cain, Andrew and Josef Lössel, Jerome of Stridon, Aldershot: Ashgate 2009.

Cain, Andrew, The Letters of Jerome: Asceticism, Biblical Exegesis and the Construction of Christian Authority inn Late Antiquity , Oxford 2009.

Cameron, Averil and Robert Hoyland (eds), Doctrine and Debate in the Eastern Christian World, Burlington Vt.: Ashgate 2011.

Carke, Peter and Tony Claydon (eds), Saints and Sanctity, Woodbridge: Boydell 2011.

Clark, Gillian, Body and Gender, Soul and Reason in Late Antiquity, Burlington Vt.: Ashgate, 2011.

Clark, James G., The Benedictines in the Middle Ages, Woodbridge: Boydell 2011.

Classen, Albrecht, Handbook of Medieval Studies, 3 Bde., Berlin/New York: De Gruyter 2010.

Clay, John Henry, In the Shadow of Death: Saint Boniface and the Conversion of Hessia, 721-754, Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Bd. 11, Turnhout: Brepols 2011.

Codou, Yann and Michael Lauwers (eds), Lérins, un îsle saint de l’antiquité au Moyen Âge, Turnhout: Brepols 2009.

Contreni, John J., Learning and Culture in Carolingian Europe. Letters, Numbers, Exegesis and Manuscripts, Burlington Vt.: Ashgate, 2011.

Coon, Lynda L., Dark Age Bodies: Gender and Monastic Practice in the Early Medieval West Philadelphia/London: University of Pennsylvania Press 2010.

Copeland, Rita and Ineke Sluiter (eds), Medieval Grammar and Rhetoric: Language Arts and Literary Theory, AD 300-1475, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2010.

Corradini, Richard, Max Diesenberger and Meta Niederkorn-Bruck (eds), Zwischen Niederschrift und Wiederschrift. Frühmittelalterliche Hagiographie und Historiographie im Spannungsfeld von Kompendienüberlieferung und Editionstechnik, Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2010. (Forschungen zur Geschichte des Mittelalters, Bd. 18).

Corradini, Richard, Matthew Gillis, Rosamond McKitterick and Irene vaon Renswoude (eds), Ego Trouble Authors and Their Identities in the Early Middle Ages, Wien: Verlag der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2010 (Forschungen zur Geschichte des Mittelalters, Bd. 15).

Corrigan, Kevin, Evagrius and Gregory. Mind, Soul and Body in the 4th Century, Burlington Vt.: Ashgate, 2009.

Craner, Daniel F., Sebastian Brock, Richard M. Price and Kevin van Blandel (eds), History and Hagiography form the Late Antique Sinai. Including Translations of Pseudo-Nilus’ “Narrationes,” Ammonius’ “Report of the Slaugher of the Monks of Sinai and Rhaithou,” and Anastasius of Sinai’s “Tales of the Sinai Fathers., Translated Texts for Historians, Bd. 53, Liverpool: LiverpoolUP 2010.

Curely, Michael, Physiologus. A Medieval Book of Nature Lore, Chicago: ChicagoUP 2009.

David Scourfield (Hrsg), Inherited Texts in Late Antiquity, Swansea: Press of Wales 2011.

Davies, Wendy and Paul Fouracre (eds), The Languages of Gift in the Early Midde Ages, Cambridge: CUP 2010.

De Blaauw, S. (eds), Storia dell'archittura in Italia da Costantino a Carlo Magno, Milan: Electa 2010.

De Jong, Mayke, The Penitential State. Authority and Atonement in the Age of Louis the Pious, 814-840, Cambridge: CUP 2009.

DeGregorio, Scott (eds), The Cambridge Companion to Bede,  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2010 (Cambridge Companions to Literature).

DePalma Digeser,  Elizabeth, Robert M. Frakes and Justin Stephens (eds), The Rhetoric of Power in Late Antiquity, New York: Palgrave 2011.

Dey, Hendrik, The Aurelian Wall and the Refashioning of Imperial Rome, AD 271-855, Cambridge: CUP 2011.

Dey, Hendrik and Elisabeth Fentress (eds), Western Monasticism ante litteram. The Spaces of Monastic Observance in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, Turnhout: Brepols 2011 (Disciplina Monastica, vol. 7).

Dunn, Marilyn, The Christianization of the Anglo-Saxons, London: Continuum 2009.

Dunning, Benjamin H., Specters of Paul. Sexual Difference in Early Christian Thought, Philadelphia: UPennPress 2011.

Dunphy, Graeme (eds), Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle, Leiden: Brill 2010.

Elliott, Dyan, The Bride of Christ goes to Hell. Metaphor and Embodiment in the Lives of Pious Women, Philadelphia: UPennPress 2011.

Enos, Richard Leo and Roger Thompson, The Rhetoric of St. Augustine of Hippo, Baylor University Press 2008.

Erhart Peter and Jakob Kuratli Hüeblin (eds), Bücher des Lebens - Lebendige Bücher, St. Gallen 2010

Everett, Nicholas, The Alphabet of Galen. Pharmacy from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, Toronto: Toronto University Press 2011.

Felten, Franz J., Annette Kehnel and Stefan Weinfurter (eds), Institution und Charisma: Festschrift für Gert Melville zum 65. Geburtstag, Köln: Böhlau 2009, S. 331-339.

Freeman, Philip, A Transcription of the Latin Writings of St. Patrick from Seven Medieval Manuscripts (Dublin, Paris, London, Rouen, Arras, Salisbury), Lewiston NY: Mellen Press 2009.

Gecser, Ottó, József Laszlovszky Balázs Nagy u.a. (eds), Promoting the Saints: Cults and their Contexts from Late Antiquity until the Early Modern Period, Budapest/New York 2011.

Glenn, Jason (eds), The Middle Ages in Texts and Texture. Reflections on Medieval Sources, Toronto: Toronto University Press 2011.

Goodson, Caroline J., The Rome of Pope Paschal I. Papal Power, Urban Renovation, Church Rebuilding and Relic Translation, 817-824, Cambridge: CUP 2010.

Goodson, Caroline J., Anne E. Lester and Carol Symes (eds), Cities, Texts and Social Networks, 400-1500: Experiences and Perceptions of Medieval Urban Space, Farnham/Burlington VT: Ashgate 2010.

Graver, Valerie L., Women and Aristocratic Culture in the Carolingian World, Ithaca NY: Cornell UP 2009.

Grimlaicus, Rule for Solitaries, übers. von Andrew Thornton, Collegeville MN: Liturgical Press 2011.

Gurmett, David and Rachel Muers (eds), Theology on the Menue: Asceticism, Meat and Christian Diet, New York 2010.

Gwynn, David M. and Susanne Bangert (eds), Religious Diversity in Late Antiquity, Leiden: Brill 2010.

Hahn, Johannes (eds), Spätantiker Staat und Religiöser Konflikt. Imperiale und lokale Verwaltung und die Gewelt gegen Heiligtümer, Berlin/New York: De Gruyter 2010.

Halfond, Gregory I., The Archeology of Frankish Church Councils, AD 511-768, Leiden: Brill 2009.

Hamilton, Sarah, The Practice of Pennance 900-1050, Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer 2011.

Harmless, William, Augustine in is own Words, Washington: CatholicUPress 2010.

Harper, Kyle, Slavery in the Late Roman World, AD 275-425, Cambridge: CUP 2011.

Hatlie, Peter, The Monks and Monasteries of Constantinople. c. 350-850, Cambridge: CUP 2009.

Hebert McAvoy, Liz and Mari Hughes-Edwards (eds), Anchorites, Wombs and Tombs. Intersections of Gender and Enclosure in the Middle Ages, University of Wales Press 2009.

Heidecker, Karl, The Divorce of Lothar II: Christian Marriage and Political Power in the Carolingian World, Ithaca/London: CornellUP 2010.

Herkommer, Hubert, Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon: Das Mittelalter, Zürich/München 2009-.

Heydemann, Gerda and Walter Pohl (eds), Strategies of Identification: Early Medieval Perspectives, Turnhout: Breopols 2012.

Hofmann, Julia A. (eds), Codexs Diplomaticus Fuldensis. Index and Introduction, Konrnwestheim: Ed. Ruprecht 2011.

Horn, Cornelia B. and John W. Martens (eds), Let the Little Children Come to Me. Childhood and Children in Early Christianity, Washington: CathUP 2009.

Isidor von Sevilla, Synonyma, eds von J. Elfassi, CCSL 111B, Turnhouht: Brepols 2010.

Jégou, Laurent (eds), L’évêque, juge de paix. L’autorité épiscopale et le règlement des conflicts entre Loire et Elbe (milieu VIIIe-milieu XIe siècle, Turnhout: Brepols 2011.

Jenkins, David H., Holy, Holier, Holiest: The Sacred Topography of the Early Medieval Irish Church. Studia Traditionis Theologiae: Explorations in Early and Medieval Theology, Bd. 4, Turnhout, Brepols 2010.

Jones, Allen, Social Mobility in Late Antique Gaul, Cambridge: CUP 2009.

Kaldellis, Anthony, Prokopios, The Secret History. With Related Texts, Hackett Publishing 2010.

Kardong, Terrence G., The Life of St. Benedict by Gregory the Great. Translation and Commentary, Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press 2009.

Kelly, Chrstopher, Richard Flower and Michael Stuart Williams (eds), Unclassical Traditions, vol. 1: Alternatives to the Classical Past in Late Antiquity, Cambridge Classical Journal, Proceedings of the Cambride Philological Society, Supplement, Bd. 34, Cambridge 2010.

Leclant, Jean, André Vauchez and Daniel-Odon Hurel (eds), Dom Jean Mabillon. Figure majeure de l’Europe des letters, Paris: Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 2010.

Mathisen, Ralph and Danuta Shanzer (eds), Romans, Barbarians, and the Transformation of the Roman World, Burlington Vt: Ashgate 2011.

Melville Gert, and Anne Müller (eds), Female Religious Life, Münster 2011.

Mitterauer, Michael. Why Europe: The Medieval Origins of its Special Path.  Translated by Gerard Chappel,  London and Chicago:
University of Chicago Press 2010.

Moore, Michael Edward, A Sacred Kingdom. Bishops and the Rise of Frankish Kingship, Washington: CatholicUPress 2011.

Moreschini, C., Hermes Christianus. The Intermingling of Hermetic Piety and Christian Thought, Turnhout: Brepols 2011.

Naaman, Paul, The Maronites. The Origins of an Antiochene Church. A Historical and Geographical Study of the Fifth to Seventh Centuries, Collegeville MN: Liturgical Press 2011.

Nicolotti, A., Esorcismo cristiano e possession diabolic tra II e III secolo, Turnhout: Brepols 2011.

Noble, Thomas F.X. and Julia Smith (eds), The Cambridge History of Christianity, vol. 3: Early Medieval Christianities (c. 600-c.1100), Cambridge: CUP 2009

Noble, Thomas F.X., Images, Iconoclasm and the Carolingians, Philadelphia: UPennP 2009.

Ó Maidin, Uinseann, The Celtic Monk. Rules and Writings of Early Irish Monks, Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publications 1997.

Oliver, Lisi, The Body Legal in Barbarian Law, Tornto: Toronto University Press 2011.

Palmer, James T., Anglo-Saxons in a Frankish world, 690 – 900, Turnhout 2009 (Studies in the Early Middle Ages, Bd. 19).

Papaconstantinou, Arietta, Muriel Debié and Hugh Kennedy (eds), ‘Writing true stories’: historians and hagiographers in the late antique and medieval Near East. Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Bd. 9, Turnhout: Brepols 2010.

Pohl, Walter and Matthias Mehofer (eds), Archaeology of Identity - Archäologie der Identität, Wien: Verlag der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2010 (Forschungen zur Geschichte des Mittelalters, Bd. 17).

Pohl, Walter and Veronika Wieser (eds), Der frühmittelalterliche Staat - Europäische Perspektiven, Wien: Verlag der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2009 (Forschungen zur Geschichte des Mittelalters, Bd. 15).

Raaijmakers, Janneke, The Making of the Monastic Community of Fulda, c. 744-900, Cambridge: CUP 2011.

Rio, Alice, Legal Practice and the Written Word in the Early Middle Ages, Cambridge: CUP 2009.

Ritari, Katja, Saints and Sinners in Early Christian Ireland: Moral Theology in the Lives of Saint Brigit and Columba. Studia Traditionis Theologiae: Explorations in Early and Medieval Theology, Bd. 3, Turnhout: Brepols 2009.

Roberts, Jane and Pamela Robinson (eds), The History of the Book in the West: 400AD-1455AD, Bd. 1, Burlington Vt.: Ashgate, 2010.

Röcke, Werner and Julia Weitbrecht (eds), Askese und Identität in Spätantike, Mittelalter und früher Neuzeit, Berlin/New York: De Gruyter 2010.

Rose, Els, Ritual Memory. The Apocryphal Acts and Liturgical Commemoration in the Early Medieval West (c. 500-1215), Mittellateinische Studien und Texte, Bd. 40, Leiden/Boston: Brill 2009.

Rosenthal, Joel, Understnading Medieval Primary Sources. Using Historical Sources to Discover Medieval Europe, New York: Routledge 2011.

Rousseau, Philip and Emmanuel Papoutsakis (eds), The Transformations of Late Antiquity. Essays for Peter Brown, Aldershot: Ashgate 2009.

Schnegg Kordula and Elisabeth Grabner-Nie (eds), Körper er-fassen: Körpererfahrungen, Körpervorstellungen, Körperkonzepte, Innsbruck/Wien/München 2010.

Shaw. Brent D., Sacred Violence. African Christians and Sectarian Hatred in the Age of Augustine, Cambridge: CUP 2011.

Siebigs, Gereon, Kaiser Leo I. Das Oströmische Reich in den ersten drei Jahren seiner Regierung (457-460 n. Chr.), Berlin/New York: De Gruyter 2010.

Sizgovich, Violence and Belief in Late Antiquity. Militant Devotion in Christianity and Islam. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvanian Press 2009.

Smith, Lesley and Conrad Leyser (eds), Motherhood, Religion, and Society, in Medieval Europe, Burlington Vt.: Ashgate 2011.

Steven Vanderputten (eds), Understanding Monastic Practices of Oral Communication, Turnhout 2011

Stockhausen, Annette von and Hanns Christof Brennecke (eds), Von Arius zum Athanasianum. Studien zur Edition der ‘Athanasius Werke, Berlin/New York: De Gruyter 2010.

Stone, Rachel, Morality and Masculinity in the Carolingian Empire, Cambridge: CUP 2011.

Talbert, J.A., Rome's World. The Peutinger Map Reconsidered, Cambridge: CUP 2010.

Thibodeaux, Jennifer D., Negotiating Clerical Identities, New York: Palgrave 2010.

Thornton, Andrew, Grimlaicus. Rule for Solitaries, Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press 2011.

Van Dam, Raymond, Rome & Constantinople. Rwriting Roman History during Late Antiquity, Baylor University Press 2010.

Van Rhijn, Carine, Paenitentiale pseudo-Theodori, CCSL 156B, Turnhout: Brepols 2009.

Venarde, Bruce L., The Rule of Saint Benedict. Edition and Translation, Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library, Bd. 6, Cambrdige Ms./London: Harvard UP 2011.

Verbist, Peter, Duelling with the past: medieval authors and the problem of the Christian Era, c. 990-1135. Studies in the Early Middle Ages, Bd. 21, Turnhout: Brepols, 2010.

Verhoeven, M. The Early Christian Monuments of Ravenna: Transformations and Memory, Turnhout: Brepols 2011.

Vinzent, Markus, Christ’s Resurrection in Early Christianity, Burlington Vt.: Ashgate, 2011.

Walker Bynum, Caroline, Christian Materiality. An Essay on Religion on Late Medieval Europe, Boston: MIT-Press 2011.

Wickham, Chris and Neil Christie (eds), The Langobards before the Frankish Conquest, Woodbridge: Boydell 2009.

Wickham, Chris, The Inheritance of Rome. A History of Europe from to 1000, London: Penguin 2009.

Wickstrom, John B., The Life and Miracles of Saint Maurus. Disciple of Benedict, Apostle to France, Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press 2010.

Wojciech Falkowski and Yves Sassier (eds), Le monde carolingien, Turnhout: Brepols 2009.

Wollasch, Joachim, Wege zur Erforschung der Erinnerungskultur, Beiträge zur Erforschung des alten Mönchtums, Bd. 47, Münster: Aschendorff 2011.

Zwanzig, Christopher, Gründungsmythen fränkischer Klöster im Früh- und Hochmittelalter, Stuttgart 2010.


Homepage Albrecht Diem
Monastic Manuscript Project
Last changes: June 10, 2011