Paris, BN lat. 12634 and St. Petersburg, Public Library Q 15

183 fol.
s. VII and VII2 (CLA); s. VII-VIII (Staerk)

CLA V, 645 (for fol. 1-8); V, 646 (for the rest)
Written in Italy, later Corbie, then St.-Germain-des-Près

The manuscript consists of five parts. The last two are in St. Petersburg
Similarities with CLA V, 633

Catalogue (of the French manuscript) - click here.

Paris, BN lat 12632
fol. 1-3v
Regula quattuor patrum, ch. 3.15-5.19 

fol. 3v-6
Regula patrum secunda

fol. 6-8v
Evagrius Ponticus, Provebia, until no. 18

fol. 9v-77v
Regula 'Eugipii' (without reference to author)

fol. 9-19 Augustine, Ordo monasterii and Praeceptum
ed. Verheijen as Ms P
fol. 20-20v Regula quattuor patrum, ch. 3.24-31
ed. SC 297, Ms E2

Regula magistri, ch. 16

Regula Basilii, ch. 57, 59, 70, 95, 99, 101, 102, 122, 28, 29 43, 44, 53 ed. CSEL 86, Ms E

Regula magistri, ch. 5,  7, 54, 55, 73, 30, 74, 47, 2 ed. SC 105-106, Ms E

Regula Pachomii, Praecepta, ch. 159

Regula magistri, ch. 1, Ths. 40-46, 10 ed. SC 105-106, Ms E

Novati sed catholici sententia
PL 18, col. 67-70

Cassian, Collationes XII, ch. 2; XII, ch. 7

Cassian, Institutiones IV, ch. 9; II, ch. 15-16; II, ch. 7; IV, ch. 12; IV, ch. 16; IV, ch. 18

Regula magistri, ch. 12-13

Jerome, Epistola 125, ch. 9

Regula magistri, ch. 3
fol. 78-115
Admonitio S. Effrem ad monachos = De compunctione cordis

St. Petersburg, Publ. Library Q 15
fol. 1- (=fol. 116-)
Augustine, De latrone

fol. 11 (=fol. 126-)
Passio Iohanis et Pauli

Paris, BN lat. 12634
fol. 142v-165
Sermo S. Iohannis de consilatione mortis

Ps.-Augustine, Sermones

  • Casamassa, A. ‘Il piu antico codice della regola monastica di s.Agostino’, in: Pendic. della pont. Acad. di Archeol., vol. 1, pp. 95-105.
  • Delisle, Léopold, Inventaire des manuscrits de Saint-Germain-des-Prés, conservés à la Bibliothèque Impériale, sous les numéros 11504-14231 du fons latin, Paris 1868, p. 64.
  • De Vogüé, Adalbert, in SC 297, pp. 157-158 and 269.
  • Dunn, Marilyn, ‘Mastering Benedict: monastic rules and their authors in the early medieval West’, in: English Historical Review 105 (1990), pp. 567-594.
  • Ganz, David, Corbie and the Carolingian Renaissance, Sigmaringen 1990 (Beihehefte der Francia, vol. 20).
  • Génestout, Augustin, ‘Les plus ancien témon manuscrit de la Règle du Maitre: le Parisinus latin 12634’, in: Scritptorium 1 (1946/47), S. 129-142.
  • Leclercq, Jean, ‘L’ancienne version Latine des sentences d’Evagre pour les moines’, in: Scriptorium 5 (1951), pp. 195-213.
  • Leyser, Conrad, Authority and Asceticism from Augustine to Gregory the Great, Oxford: Clarendon Press 2000.
  • Lundström, Sven, Die Überlieferung der lateinischen Basiliusregel, Uppsala/Stockholm 1989 (Studia Latina Upsaliensia, vol. 21).
  • Staerk, A., Les manuscrits latins du Ve au XIIIe siècle conservés a la Bibliothèque Impériale de Saint-Pétersbourg, vol. 1, St. Petersburg 1910, pp. 11-12.
  • Villegas, Fernando and Adalbert de Vogüé, in CCSL 87, pp. IX-XIII.
  • Vanderhoven H. and F. Masai, La Règle du Maître, Édition diplomatique des monuscrits  latins 12205 et 12634 de Paris, Brussels/Paris 1953, esp. pp. 26-42.
  • Verheijen, Luc, Le Règle de Saint Augustin, 2 Bde., Paris 1967.
  • Zelzer, Klaus, in CCSL 86, pp. XVII-XIX.